Racial differences in antipsychotic use: Claims database analysis of Medicaid-insured patients with schizophrenia

BACKGROUND: Database analyses have indicated that medical treatment for schizophrenia varies among racial groups. This study assessed antipsychotic use and healthcare utilization across races in Medicaid-insured patients with schizophrenia.

METHODS: A Medicaid database of inpatient/outpatient medical claims and outpatient prescription claims for more than 28 million enrollees in 11 geographically diverse states was analyzed. The primary outcome, racial differences in antipsychotic use in 2012, was examined in 5 multivariable logistic regression models: (1) any antipsychotic, (2) firstgeneration (FG) long-acting injectables (LAIs), (3) FG oral antipsychotics, (4) second-generation (SG) LAIs, and (5) SG oral antipsychotics.

RESULTS: Odds ratios and adjusted predicted probabilities were comparable for any antipsychotic use between black and white patients. Black patients were less likely to receive SG oral antipsychotics (P < .001) and more likely to receive SG or FG LAIs (P = .001 and P < .001, respectively) and FG oral antipsychotics (P = .003) vs white patients. Further, black patients had a higher mean number of emergency room visits (P < .001) and a lower mean number of hospitalizations (P < .05) vs white patients; the mean number of physician visits was comparable.

CONCLUSIONS: Disparities in antipsychotic use and healthcare utilization across races in patients with schizophrenia warrant further investigation and elimination of these disparities should be a national goal.

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