Who Can Apply

Physicians in good standing who have completed formal training as specialists in psychiatry, and who are engaged principally in professional activities relating directly to clinical psychiatry are eligible for membership. Affiliate members need not be psychiatrists.

Benefits of AACP Membership

  • Subscription to the Annals Of Clinical Psychiatry
    The peer reviewed, Index Medicus, official Journal of the American Academy of Clinical Psychiatrists. JAMA has said of the Annals: “The journal should have broad appeal to psychiatrists interested in practical information that improves diagnosis or treatment. It will also serve as a forum to present cases at a time when other journals eschew such articles.” (JAMA 267:731, 1992)
  • Annual George Winokur Clinical Research Award
    Monetary awards, engraved plaque, presentation and recognition at the annual convention, plus paid travel expenses.
  • Annual Meeting and Continuing Education Programs
    Each Spring themes chosen among issues of immediate interest to practicing clinicians are presented in a stimulating and attractive environment. The course provides interaction with internationally recognized speakers and CME credits.  AACP partners with MedscapeLive for annual CME conferences each year. AACP members receive a special members-only registration discount rate for the AACP/MedscapeLive joint conferences
  • AACP Membership Directory
    A useful reference for you and your staff. A source of referral for your patients across the USA.
  • Ongoing Review of Current Thinking
  • Access to the AACP Online Community

American Academy of Clinical Psychiatrists Dedicated to the Advancement of the Medical Specialty of Psychiatry

  • Providing scientific material useful in the clinical practice of psychiatry through the annual meeting and publications.
  • Assisting the practice of psychiatry now and in the future through liaisons among the members, other professional organizations and informational systems.
  • Strengthening the image of psychiatry as a medical specialty that is guided by scientific principles and collaboration with other medical disciplines.
  • Collecting and organizing the data available from clinical practice for publication and distribution.
  • Collaborating with other professional organizations to promote cooperation and understanding of our common interests.
  • Encouraging the participation of psychiatrists in training and early career psychiatrists in our academy.
  • Providing forums for interaction and discussion between the members and other interested parties to facilitate an unbiased exchange of information and opinion.
  • Focusing on the traditions of our academy in understanding the classification and diagnosis of psychiatric disorders, their influence on the person as a whole and the outcomes achieved by clinical intervention.